Monday, July 20, 2015

Orange Analyzer gets reviewed!!

The Orange Analyzer just got reviewed by Ray Wenderlich.  This is a website that has tons of great tutorials from beginner to advanced.  It really helps me when I have questions, along with Stack Overflow.  Thanks to Ray and Ryan!


  1. Hi Douglas! I'm Uliana from Icons8 and I wanted to thank you for your kind words in the footer. Not only you take our license requirements seriously, but also made it so nice and motivating :) You are our hero!

    1. Thank YOU for making great icons. I tell everyone about your icons. Keep up the great work!!

  2. Douglas, is there a way to increase the significant digits of the solved equation?. Any chance that feature could be added in an updated?. Thanks for any help/comments.

  3. R Johnsen, thanks for reaching out to us! It is funny, but you are the second person in the last week to ask about the significance of the equation. I think we need to fix that! I only used three digits after the decimal because I was trying to use as little space as possible. I will definitely fix that, just need to think about the best way to accomplish it. Since some people will only need a few digits and other need more, I might try adding a slider element to the UI so people can choose for themselves. I would then need to have the equation in a scrollable view so the whole equation can be shown. Thanks for the input!
